• ニュース
  • 2021 年度授業実施について(365体育直播) Operations in the 2021 Academic Year (Urayasu Campus)


2020.12.15 大学からのお知らせ

2021 年度授業実施について(365体育直播)

2021 年度の授業について、現時点では通常通り「対面授業」を基本として授業を実施する予定で準備を進めております。






2021 年4 月に皆さんを新入生としてお迎えし、ともに学べる日を教職員一同心待ちにしています。


※授業実施方法につきましては、大学公式ホームページやWeb ポータルシステム等にて、皆様にお知らせいたします。





安井 利一

Operations in the 2021 Academic Year (Urayasu Campus)

Meikai University’s current plans are to hold face-to-face classes mainly in the 2021 academic year and is moving forward with preparations on that basis.


However, to protect the safety of students amid the COVID-19 pandemic going forward, the University may in some cases decide to shift some classes to remote learning. In such cases the University will provide notification as soon as the decision is made.


Meikai University is making every effort to stop the spread of infection, so that all students can attend classes with peace of mind. We ask all students, whether commuting or resident on campus, to continue to take appropriate measures to prevent infection both on and off campus.


For persons who have passed the University’s entrance examinations or intend to apply for admission, the University is implementing a series of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, to furnish an environment in which you can attend classes with peace of mind.

The faculty and staff of Meikai University look forward to welcoming all freshmen in April 2021. We eagerly await the day when we can once again begin learning together.


Details on the ways in which classes will be presented will be provided through online resources, such as the official University website or the Web Portal System.



Toshikazu Yasui


Meikai University
